Anyway, there wasn't a terrible amount of protein in my lunch so I wanted a snack. I tried to make hard boiled eggs! Which... I had never done before.
I wound up overcooking them... the whites tasted okay, but the yolk was a little hard, crumbly, and dry. They weren't bad enough for me to toss the other two eggs, I'll probably save them and use them in a salad.
Look! A chocolate chip cookie. It looks so innocent, too. My mom bakes and then leaves goodies in the kitchen... sigh.
I drink water almost exclusively, but it's fall- that means it's apple cider season! This stuff was made at the local apple orchid a few miles from my town. Normally when I drink something at home that is not water, I literally only have an ounce or two just so I can get the flavor of it and not all the calories- and then I switch back to water. And then it lasts a long time! Which is nice, because I love this cider.
Late afternoon I was getting hungry again, so I delved into the large store of apples and added a little bit of peanut butter protein. I love the apples from the orchid, because you can get them in all sorts of sizes. The big ones are great for a salad or for baking. If I just want a little snack, I can find a little guy like this one. It was smaller than a tennis ball.
My mom rules the kitchen for dinner, so I basically eat what is made. I have recently convinced her to make broccoli, my favorite vegetable! It doesn't really go well with the meat, but it's healthier than other options. The meat and potatoes were leftovers, but the meat was actually really crumbly and tender. I'm not a huge fan of beef, but this was pretty good. Also, mashed potatoes are one of my ultimate weaknesses. I also caved and had a dinner roll. See, I must confess the good and the bad.
I had a brownie.. and a half.. afterwards. Brownies are another one of my ultimate weaknesses... I am pretty good about resisting lots of sweets, but the rules are out the window when it comes to brownies. One and a half is.... actually not terrible for me. I'm working on it.
For an evening snack I had a Special K 90calorie chocolate drizzle bar. I felt kinda blah after eating it, so that may not have had the best decision.
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